Grant Writing Made Easy: Transforming Words into Actions


Grant Writing Made Easy Transforming Words into Actions


Are you lost for words in expressing your thoughts? When was the last time you get an “A” for writing an essay? Writing skill is a gift. And it is a challenge to write good articles, poems, proposals, and other write-ups that can connect with the readers. Though everyone can write, not all can do it effectively. Same goes when writing a grant, but don’t worry. This article will help you write a winning grant. Read on.

What is the Purpose of Grants?

Writing a grant request is a daunting task. Each funder provides certain guidelines to ensure that funds are to be used for worthwhile causes.

Grant is a financial aid given by the government or any funding institution to address the needs of underprivileged people or groups of people. It is a funding opportunity that has no interest and does not require payment. This aid may be awarded to nonprofit groups, which provide social services and projects to uphold the lives of less fortunate people in a certain community.

Tasks of Funders

1. Address the most pressing needs of an area;
2. Assist the government to achieve its goals;
3. Devote time, skills, and effort to help vulnerable groups; and
4. Provide trainings and/or any project to uphold their roles in the community.

Grant Writing Made Easy!

Each year, hundreds of grant requests are submitted to various funding agencies. That said, it is a must that you, as a grant seeker, find ways to establish a good impression not only to get the aid, but also to relate its impact on the community. Well, it doesn’t take a genius to achieve a winning proposal.

Grant writing is now made easy with these helpful tips:

1. Read and grasp the funding opportunity announcement.
2. Know the needs to address.
3. Make a plan.
4. Highlight good points about the proposed project.
5. Set realistic goals.
6. Cite methodology and program designs.
7. Discuss who would benefit from the project.
8. Provide detailed info about your group.
9. Include a detailed budget plan.

What Should Be in My Grant?

A proposal has different sections. Each plays a vital role to achieve funding success.


A well-written summary has vital details that can convince reviewers. It has to relate reports and facts, concise analysis, and conclusion that give readers a glimpse of what the project is all about.

Needs Assessment.

This part explains the importance of the request. It defines good project ideas, techniques, and potential risks to establish priorities for future actions. In here, present related literature and stats to justify the need for the project being proposed.


You must identify the goals and objectives of your request so as not only to communicate your overall purpose but also to suggest helpful steps and/or plans.

Methods and Program Design.

While “goals” section provides the importance of your request, program designs and strategies convey best practices that are essential to fulfill the purpose of the project.

Budget Plan.

It is one of the most important sections because it provides a detailed budget requirement and justification to ensure that financial aid is to be used for its intended purpose.

Yet despite the complexity of the process, still, it is not impossible to transform words into opportunities. This guide will surely help as grant writing has somewhat made easy.

Still can’t make a good written request? Seek help from expert grant writers.