Grant writer preparing a proposal

Writing A Proposal for A Grant: A Noble Project Matters

Writing a proposal for a grant is not just asking for money. You have to show funders that you have a noble project that matches their giving. Having an impressive venture can create a good working partnership with them.

Before you start your writing, here’s what you should do to show that you are sincere in pursuing your noble work.

Writing a Proposal for a Grant and Showing a Noble Project

1. Work for programs, not money.

Funding should never be the sole purpose for writing a grant proposal. It aims to resolve an issue and meet the needs of recipients. As a grant seeker, you should not change your program just because it does not meet your target funder’s guidelines. Don’t conceal or alter your original plan. Look for other funders that accept and fund your program.

2. Research further about your grantors.

To gain an edge over other applicants, get information about the funders. You need to research their capacity. Know their mission and vision, funding range, geographical choice, restrictions, and areas to fund. You can save time and effort by looking first on eligibility rules and funding exclusions. This will help you determine if you qualify to apply for funding or not.

3. Follow guidelines and requirements.

In grant, there’s no excuse despite any reasonable situations. Thus, you should observe deadlines and submit needed papers. In this case, read the guidelines and requirements set by the grantor on their web sites. Be sure that you understand and follow them. Don’t waste your efforts just because your application is late. If you need help in writing the request fast, you may look for grant writing services.

4. Express gratitude no matter what happens.

Thank the grantor for giving you the chance to apply even if you did not get the fund. You may do this by sending a thank you note, or calling the funder. If possible, you can ask for reviewer comments. This will show you the mistakes and weaknesses of your proposal. Take these comments as guide to improve your writing and make your next application better.

5. Cultivate partnerships.

It is time to build partnerships with community groups or public agencies. This helps you strengthen your program and make it achievable. On the side of funders, seeing that you have collaborations give them a thought that you are serious on your purpose.  Furthermore, they will believe that your project will bring a good impact.

If your project wins the grant, you have to keep the grantor informed about your accomplishments, progress, and activities. Send them pictures of your activities, invitations to view operations, or reports on how you use the funds.